1. This OLAP operation involves computing all of the data relationships for one or more dimensions.
A. Dice
B. Slice
C. Pivot
D. Roll Up
Answer. D.
OLAP consists of three basic analytical operations: consolidation (roll-up), drill-down, and slicing and dicing. Consolidation involves the aggregation of data that can be accumulated and computed in one or more dimensions. ... By contrast, the drill-down is a technique that allows users to navigate through the details.
2. This OLAP Operation rotates the data and delivers an alternative to the original presentation.
A. Pivot
B. Slice
C. Roll-Up
D. Dice
Answer. Pivot
A. Dice
B. Slice
C. Pivot
D. Roll Up
Answer. D.
OLAP consists of three basic analytical operations: consolidation (roll-up), drill-down, and slicing and dicing. Consolidation involves the aggregation of data that can be accumulated and computed in one or more dimensions. ... By contrast, the drill-down is a technique that allows users to navigate through the details.
2. This OLAP Operation rotates the data and delivers an alternative to the original presentation.
A. Pivot
B. Slice
C. Roll-Up
D. Dice
Answer. Pivot
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